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Renton Food Co-Op needs you

This past Wednesday was inspiring at the Renton Food Co-Op meeting. We had a larger than normal turn out and there is nothing more energizing than sitting with a group of good people that want to band together to make something happen. Any event that brings people together for a common cause is a power that cannot be denied-take the recent success of the Seahawks for example. People who would have not normally spoken to each other at the grocery store were suddenly striking up conversation-they had a common bond, perhaps for the first time. I couldn’t help but wish people would bond together for a more lasting purpose, like creating a Renton Food Co-Op, or resurrecting the downtown area, or localizing our economy. That is what we are doing at Sustainable Renton-one baby step at a time.

Sustainable Renton will table at events and educate the community about our mission in general and specifically about why a Food Co-Op-or any cooperatively run business is a good idea for Renton. If you are in the dark about what a cooperative is and why it is especially important in this economic environment, you can find out more about them here: The wonderful part about cooperatives is that they are cooperative, not competitive. They operate democratically and everyone has a voice.

Our plan is to be at the Farmer’s Market a couple of times this summer, in the Renon River Days Parade and man a community booth at the Renton River Days Fair. Our annual fundraiser will be held in August this year and we are scheduling an event specifically for co-ops with the showing of a film followed by a lively Q and A with the filmmakers, so keep your eyes on our blog to find out more about when and where that event will be.

One more thing we have decided to look into is the idea of a local Buying Club. When we first gathered about a year ago we looked into the idea of a Buying Club and after some research we voted it down because we thought it would detract us from our ultimate goal of a brick and mortar food co-op. However, we are re-visiting the idea because we are looking at it as a means to an end, a way to draw interested people out, people that will ultimately shop at the Co-Op. To find out more about Buying Clubs you can visit here:

The Renton Food Co-Op Steering Committee meets the second Wednesday of every month at 5:30 pm for a potluck followed at 6:00 pm for the regular meeting at the Sustainable Renton Headquarters. Everyone is welcome. We discuss what steps we need to take next on the road to starting a cooperatively operated grocery store in the Renton area. We are in the organizing phase and are in need of people to help make this dream a reality.

For more information you can contact

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