Hello farming enthusiasts!
Things are busy at the farm! We originally had set aside space for 20 plots-those have all sold! So, in the interest of getting more gardeners we have sacrificed the pumpkin patch space to make two more plots-one of which is gone already and the 2nd is being looked at this week. How amazing! If you haven’t had the time or made the time to come and take a gander at the garden it would be well worth the time to take a trip up there and see the magnificence that is happening. Someone described it as a healing garden. I just think it is pure magic. The gardeners are so kind and have a real sense of community spirit. One of our gardeners that just came on board is also a beekeeper and has made his delicious honey available for sale to us-yum.
On another super positive note we made our first official delivery to the Salvation Army on Monday morning. They have such a wonderful program there at the space off of Tobin. They provide a hot meal to the hungry every night of the week thanks to a combined effort from the local churches and other local organizations. There is no higher calling than to be of service to those in need and The Salvation Army really has their hand on the pulse of what is happening with those in need in the Renton area.
Sometimes it’s easy to indulge in less than ideal thinking; worrying about the future, the bills, the kids, etc. but when I visit a sacred place of service like The Salvation Army I am quickly reminded just how abundant my life is and how grateful I am to be a part of the solution that is taking place. Thank you.
Lara Randolph
Farm Manager